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Android software development is the process by which new applications are created for the Android operating system. Applications are usually developed in Java programming language using the Android software development kit (SDK), but other development environments are also available

Expert said
A lot of [developers] have an amazingly weak grasp of physics. We've become a much more connected world and there's a lot more to program for than Web services.
James Gosling  Founder of JAVA
1. JAVA Concepts
?1.1 OOPs Concepts
?1.2 Inheritance in detail
?1.3 Exception handling
?1.4 Packages & interfaces
?1.5 JVM & .jar file extension
?1.6 threading (Thread class & Runnable Interface)
2. SQL
?2.1 DML & DDL Queries in brief
3. Introduction to Android
?3.1 What is Android?
?3.2 Setting up development environment
?3.3 Dalvik Virtual Machine & .apk file extension
?3.4 Fundamentals:
?3.4.1 Basic Building blocks - Activities,Services,Broadcast Receivers & Content providers
?3.4.2 UI Components - Views & notifications
?3.4.3 for communication -Intents & Intent Filters
?3.5 Android API levels (versions & version names)
4. Application Structure (in detail)
?4.1 AndroidManifest.xml
?4.2 uses-permission & uses-sdk
?4.3 Resources &
?4.4 Assets
?4.5 Layouts & Drawable Resources
?4.6 Activities and Activity lifecycle
?4.7 First sample Application
5. Emulator-Android Virtual Device
?5.1 Launching emulator
?5.2 Editing emulator settings
?5.3 Emulator shortcuts
?5.4 Logcat usage
?5.5 Introduction to DDMS
?5.6 Second App:- (switching between activities)
?5.7 Develop an app for demonstrating the communication between Intents
6. Basic UI design
?6.1 Form widgets
?6.2 Text Fields
?6.3 Layouts
?6.4 [dip, dp, sip, sp] versus px
?6.5 Examples
7. C# and Generics
?7.1 SharedPreferences
?7.2 Preferences from xml
?7.3 Examples
8. Menu
?8.1 Option menu
?8.2 Context menu
?8.3 Sub menu
?8.4 menu from xml
?8.5 menu via code
?8.6 Examples
9. Intents (in detail)
?9.1 Explicit Intents
?9.2 Implicit intents
?9.3 Examples
10. UI design
?10.1 Time and Date
?10.2 Images and media
?10.3 Composite
?10.4 AlertDialogs & Toast
?10.5 Popup
?10.6 Examples
11. Tabs and Tab Activity
?11.1 Examples
12. Styles & Themes
?12.1 drawable resources for shapes, gradients (selectors)
?12.2 Resource management with try/finally/using
?12.3 style attribute in layout file
?12.4 Applying themes via code and manifest file
?12.5 Examples
13. Content Providers
?13.1 SQLite Programming
?13.2 SQLiteOpenHelper
?13.3 SQLiteDatabse
?13.4 Cursor
?13.5 Reading and updating Contacts
?13.6 Reading bookmarks
?13.7 Example
?13.8 Develop an App to demonstrate database usage. CRUD operations must be implemented. Final details should be viewed in GridView as well as in ListView
14. Android Debug Bridge (adb) tool
15. Linkify
?15.1 Web URLs, Email address, text, map address, phone numbers
?15.2 MatchFilter & TransformFilter
?15.3 Examples
16. Adapters andWidgtes
?16.1 Adapters
?16.1.1 ArrayAdapters
?16.1.2 BaseAdapters
?16.2 ListView and ListActivity
?16.3 Custom listview
?16.4 GridView using adapters
?16.5 Gallery using adapters
?16.6 Examples
17. Notifications
?17.1 Broadcast Receivers
?17.2 Services and notifications
?17.3 Toast
?17.4 Alarms
?17.5 Examples
18. Custom components
?18.1 Custom Tabs
?18.2 Custom animated popup panels
?18.3 Other components
?18.4 Examples
19. Threads
?19.1 Threads running on UI thread (runOnUiThread)
?19.2 Worker thread
?19.3 Handlers & Runnable
?19.4 AsynTask (in detail)
?19.5 Examples
20. Advanced
?20.1 Live Folders
?20.2 Using sdcards
?20.3 XML Parsing
?20.4 JSON Parsing
?20.5 Maps, GPS, Location based Services
?20.6 Accessing Phone services (Call, SMS, MMS)
?20.7 Network connectivity services
?20.8 Sensors